This holiday season SES teamed up with the Corbin Family Resource Center to help families in need through the Adopt-A-Family program. Through this wonderful program, SES employees had the opportunity to help out 7 different families by providing a plethora of presents just in time for Christmas. A list of items was curated by each family, which ranged from basic necessities to wishlist gifts, and was then left up to SES to organize, execute, and deliver these presents (in wrapping paper of course) to each of the families. It is fair to say smiles were lit up on both sides as it was just as heart warming to give as it was to receive. None of this could be possible without the Corbin Family Resource Center who provides treatment and prevention services to families that have been affected by child abuse, domestic violence, and other life traumas. If you would like to learn how you can help, please visit their website.