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Sleep Out for Homeless Youth - Covenant House

December 04, 2019

Last Thursday our SES - Alliant team sleep out for homeless youth at the Covenant House California Los Angeles. With your help, and the tireless efforts of Shaun Shenouda, Harrison Burka, PMP, Fran Babicz, and Helen Carruthers the team was able to raise over $12,000 for the cause. Collectively, the 175 L.A. sleepers raised over $600K and $1M in California! There was a panel of youth going through a Q&A, which provided some really touching and, at times, heart wrenching insight into their trials and tribulations. As usual, there was a musical performance from a few gifted youth, staff, and even the CEO of HBO. What we cherished the most, however, was seeing some of the youth we had met from prior year’s, who showed remarkable progress and promise. In normal fashion, the night ends with stiff backs and hearts full of inspiration. In this season of thanks, we are grateful for so much and truly appreciate you all being aware and supporting the cause in all ways you were able to do so.